- T. A. Jones
Zipping Up My Boots, And Doing The Work!
Being a parent is a tough, yet an extremely rewarding journey. And through prayer, an evolving relationship in Christ, and an awesome support system; I zipped up my boots and continue to do the work of rearing and advocating for my children! Lots of sleepless nights, 3:00 am tossing and turning and tons and tons of second guessing myself, (None of which I would give up by the way). I am incredibly strong, fearless and validated in my role as mom, today at least! Come pandemic or failing the test, we are resilient!
In my role as a First Year College Advisor, I work with students who have it all together and are ready to take on the world! I also work with students who are not at all prepared for college. These interactions inspired my new book, The Parent Push, Helping Your Child Succeed Through High School and Beyond. A conversational guide written to help families make informed decisions and choices on preparing students to attend a community college, a four-year college/university or to graduate from high school work-ready with action steps throughout the guide.
Please join me in celebrating the completion of my new book, The Parent Push, Helping Your Child Succeed Through High School and Beyond! Pre-order your autographed copy today!