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The Parent Push, Helping Your Child Succeed Through High School and Beyond

As an advisor and instructor in higher education, I have noticed that some students are more prepared than

others, some are more excited to be in college than others and some students are just not happy or excited

about anything. I have been in countless discussions about the benefits of going to college opposed to the cost

of going to college, and discussions about why even go to college at all? Why not encourage our children to

become interested in jobs such as electrician, plumber, and other blue collar jobs? In which I agree could earn

anyone a decent way of life. Should I push my child to be on the honor roll? Should I encourage a gap year?


I have never met a parent who didn’t want their child to succeed, and most parents strive to give their children

a better life than they had growing up if possible. For years, as a parent I have had challenging times helping

my children remain excited and actively engaged in school. And spent hours reading books and articles and

reaching out to my educator friends and family for help.




The Parent Push is a conversational guide written to help families make informed decisions and choices on

preparing students to attend a community college, a four-year college/university or to graduate from high

school work-ready with action steps throughout the guide. It generates discussions and opens helpful and

much needed dialog.

Even though the word “push” can have a negative connotation, when it comes to thriving and reaching for success and the well-being of our children, I think there is a need to push, but gently; nudge them into success! I hope it helps you feel comfortable and at ease when you nudge your child to do their best, and to step out of their comfort zone.

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